Current version: 7.9.6

Coder | Designer: LHT

Registered user: 383612 | Online user: 1198 | Your IP:
* WWAM now add Window and Menu key for Alt Perfect, you can use Window/Menu keys instead of Alt if Alt not working for you!
* You can get FarmEXP by purchase Professional Account
* Add Support for Redbana Steam version
* Fixed Chance Hack and FarmEXP (without 0sec)
* Perfect Hack now work for all modes !
* New Auto Method works only with PS2 Keyboard !!! - if your PC doesn't support PS2 Keyboard, you can use old Auto Method
* NPC Reset is fixed and not working anymore.

Account Manager

Account Information


Password (1 or 2)

Forget Password


Change Password 1


Password 2

New Password 1

Change Password 2



New Password 2

Change Mail

Old Mail

New Mail



Terms of use

WWAM is not free at all, you need to pay to use private functions.
If you use it, do not abuse.
Author is not responsible for the use of WWAM.


Password 2

Mail (real Mail)


Auto Press--
Auto BeatUp--
Auto Space----
Auto Ready--
Auto Perfect---
Alt Perfect---
God BeatUp--
NPC Reset--
Gender Hack----
Character Color---
Kiss Hack--
Chance Hack----
Farm EXP-
Auto Garden (Not Available Yet)-


You have to wait for the author to activate your Account (in 24 hours) !

Account types

Username (WWAM/Aumodz)



You may need to Unlock to run WWAM on Windows8/8.1 (Right click on World Wide Audition.exe and [.] - Properties - Unlock)
Farm EXP (Auto Ready + 0sec song + Fake NPC):
[F4 + 5] Turn ON | [F4 + 6] Turn OFF.
Quickly up lvl with 0sec song and clone NPC.
0sec may not work on some Audition server, please use short song instead !
Create Normal Room and Press [F4 + 5].

Auto Press:
[F10 + 1] Turn ON | [F10 + 2] Turn OFF.
New Auto method support only PCs have PS/2 keyboard(buy it if you dont have), use Old Auto method if new method not work !

Auto BeatUp:
[F10 + 7] Turn ON | [F10 + 8] Turn OFF.
New Auto method support only PCs have PS/2 keyboard(buy it if you dont have), use Old Auto method if new method not work !

Auto Space:
[F10 + 3] Turn ON | [F10 + 4] Turn OFF.

Auto Ready:
[F10 + 5] Turn ON | [F10 + 6] Turn OFF.

Auto Perfect:
[F4 + 1] Turn ON | [F4 + 2] Turn OFF.

Chance Hack:
[F4 + 3] Turn ON | [F4 + 4] Turn OFF.

Alt Perfect:
Use [ALT] or [WINDOWS] or [MENU] key to do Perfect.

Use [F6] after you have Perfect, next Perfect you will get Perfect x(whatever you want).
You can set the Combo on WWAM.

God BeatUp:
[F5] Turn ON/ Turn OFF.
If you use this function, you get only Perfect and No miss on BeatUp.

NPC Reset - New:
1) Go to Shop
2) Choose NPC Reset card you want.
3) Click Buy, the popup show up.
4) Press [F7 + 1/2/3/4/5] (same with NPC Reset card) to use.
[F7 + 1] - Normal
[F7 + 2] - Team
[F7 + 3] - BeatUp
[F7 + 4] - Couple
[F7 + 5] - BeatRush

NPC Reset - Old:
1) Create a normal room.
2) Close the respective slot that the NPC would stand in Normal BP room.
3) Select the song/chance you want. [Random songs only]
4) Make sure everyone that is bp-ing is in the room, then press [F7 + 1/2/3/4/5/6] (with Mode you want).
5) Now DJ goes Watch and Join again, then other players too, and the NPC will appear.. 6) Start the game. After 1 round of game, more choices of Reset NPC will be available.
[F7 + 1] - Normal
[F7 + 2] - Team
[F7 + 3] - BeatUp
[F7 + 4] - Couple
[F7 + 5] - Union
[F7 + 6] - BeatRush

Gender Hack:
1) Go to shop.
2 a) if you want MAN go to Men Clothes and Press [F8 + B]
2 b) if you want GIRL go to Women Clothes and Press [F8 + G]
3) Go to lobby.

Character Color:
1) Make sure you are in lobby.
2) Press [F9 + B] for Brown, [F9 + O] for Orange, [F9 + W] for White
3) Go to Shop (maybe you get Disconnect but it is ok) and come back to lobby.
4) Now your Chacracter color is changed, if not then try again from step 1.

Kiss Hack:
Automatic Turn On when Activated. You can send many Kiss in 1 day.